Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023

Responsible Business


Our Responsible Business Strategy sets out medium-term objectives for the business, which we will aim to achieve by the end of 2025.

Our Material Issues

Our strategy is to embed ESG into our commercial decision making


Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs


Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs


Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs


Aligned UN SDGs

Aligned UN SDGs

Our Purpose is to empower and develop our people to create long-term value and sustainable growth for our stakeholders.

Our strategy is shaped by four key strategic pillars and focuses on three long term markets:

Safety and Environment

Safety and environment We aim to be the safest place to work in our markets and be respectful to our environment


Grow PBT by increasing capital employed to £500m by investing in our three key markets


Adopt emerging working practices, investing and collaborating to deliver our operational targets


Open, progressive, high performing business governed by clear objectives which engage diverse range of talent

Our Ambitions will be delivered by our people working closely with our partners – delivering collaborative solutions with real impact.

Our Values will underpin and align everything we do.

Our Strategy is aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that we and our stakeholders feel our business can most positively impact